Collective System Problems , The International Studies...
:security which sat last week at Chatham House reached some interesting, though not always entirely convincing, conclusions. Broadly speaking its members endorsed the general......
One Of The Most Popular Moves Is That Of Lord
Eustace Percy from the back benches to the Cabinet. What the Government has always lacked is a Minister with the leisure and ability to look ahead. Immersed as the Cabinet must......
A Hospital Inquiry - The Decision Of The British Hospitals
Association to appoint a committee to inquire into the hospital system is amply warranted by the changing conditions in the hospital world. Since the Poor Law was abolished and......
Municipal Civil Servants
The staffs of local governing authorities in this country form now in effect, though not in organization, a municipal civil service on an enormous scale ; and " Nalgo " (the......
Glut And• Hunger The Resolution On The Under-consumption...
products laid before the International Labour Conference by the Australian and New Zealand delegates contains considerable possibilities. The proposal is that the repre-......
The Week In Parliament Our Parliamentary - Correspondent...
is general disappointment at the fact that Mr. Eden has not been made Foreign Secretary. Indeed, when it became known that it was very unlikely that he would be offered the post......
There Is Little Doubt That As Soon As Parliament Reassembles
after the Whitsun recess the pressure will increase for an election in the autumn. All the indica- tions are that the appeal to the country will be made in November at the......
Mr. Baldwin's Appointments, As Perhaps Was Inevitable,...
disgruntlement both among the young Conservatives and the Government Liberals. The latter do not feel that another -representative in the Cabinet is adequate compensation for......