14 JUNE 1935, page 26
Queen. Anne
The Letters of Queen Anne. Edited by Beatrice Curtis Brown. (Cassell. 10s. 6d.) QUEEN ANNE, as Miss Curtis Brown remarks, was not a stupid woman ; she had ordinary intelligence,......
Scissors And Paste
The Brontes. Compiled with an introduction by E. M. Delafield. (The Hogarth Press. 8s. 6d.) Miss E. M. DELAFEELD OpVITS this exasperating book with a most exhilarating preface,......
Basic Thieish
Basic Rules of Reason. By 1.• A. Richards. (Kegan Paul* 2s. 6d.) Bisic in Teaching - -By-I. A.-Richards:. (Kegan Paul. 2s. 6d.) Basic Rules of Reason . was a paper to the......