SIR,—I regret the mistake in my letter to you about the "J.V.A." The total water available is 2,o0o million cubic metres per annum, which should suffice to protect about 300,000 acres or over one million people. If this number can be settled there, the price is not unreasonable. It has, however, been stated that the scheme provides for only ao,000 families, fewer than zoo,000 people. This is the aspect that seems to require explanation. If one works backwards from the number of people, the amount of water required and the cost seem very high. If one works forward from the water and the cost, the area per head is high. Some- 'I thing does not " fit." Perhaps Mr. Ionides could give some more data to clear up the point.—Yours faithfully, F. NEWHOUSE. The Athenaeum, Pall Mall, S.W.I.