Buenos Aires And Moscow
The fact that last week's inauguration of General Peron as Presi- dent of the Argentine Republic for the next six years was followed within two days by an announcement of the......
A Prehensile Monarch
The contest between King Umberto and the Italian Government as to when (rather than whether) the King shall leave the country may have ended by the time these lines appear. The......
Mr. Truman In The Toils
Mr. Truman is devoting what ingenuity he can command to get- ting himself out of the awkward situation in which his recent actions on labour legislation landed him, while at the......
A Press Free And A Press Fettered
The decision of the Imperial Press Conference to set on record its views on the freedom of the Press is welcome, though any resolu- tions adopted on that subject will merely......
Balkan Justice ?
Much of the evidence that has been produced by Mihailovitch in his defence does nct reflect to the credit of this country. It is not, for example, pleasant to read of British......
The Petrol Ban
With the reassembly of Parliament attempts will no doubt be renewed to fathom the reason for Mr. Shinwell's sustained obstinacy in the matter of an increased petrol ration, or......