Sir,—sir Andrew Mcfadyean's Contribution To This Argument...
mind, the most fundamental question about the future of the Liberal Party. The contribution of English political parties to democratic govern- ment has been of the first......
Terms In The Merchant Service
SIR,—I wonder if you could spare me a little space in which to answer a few of the points mentioned by Mr. Hector Hughes in the adjournment debate on May 28th, when he raised......
" The Future Of Cotton "
SIR,—My eye was immediately attracted to the opening sentences in your interesting leading article, -" The Future of Cotton," in The Spectator of May 31st. The sentences are:—"......
Sir,—in His Letter To The Spectator Mr. Shackleton Bailey...
to the announcement that the abolition of the School Certificate Examina- tion was " now a fait accompli." The Ministry's Circular of May 16th (Circular to3) dealt both with the......
The School Certificate
SIR, —I hope we shall now hear again of the proposal to abolish the School Certificate only in the sense of abolishing the award of a pass-or-fail verdict on the whole......
" Liberals Undaunted "
Snt,—The reverberations of resurgent Liberalism are reaching some of our Socialist and other friends. G. D. H. Cole, in his pamphlet Labour's Foreign - Policy, even goes out of......