BY far the most interesting event of the week is the • publication of a Manifesto by the Czar, the full text of which is given in Friday's papers. The Manifesto is in the form of a programme of reform, on which "our Ministers and the chief officials concerned in the matter" are com- manded to submit "their views as to the execution of our intentions." It begins with a reminder of the solemn vow made by the Emperor when he ascended the throne to dedicate his life to his people, and then declares that he has "irrevocably decided to satisfy without delay the needs for which the State bas become ripe." The first of these is religious tolerance. The Emperor has decided to strengthen and develop the principle of tolerance, and while recognising the Orthodox Church as the ruling Church, to grant to all his subjects of other religions, "and to all foreign confessions, freedom of creed and of worship according to their own rites." He will also improve the position of the rural Orthodox clergy. A reform of the rural laws is likewise to be carried out in order to help both the peasantry and the local nobility. "In this work the fundamental principle of property in common is to be held inviolable, while, at the same time, means are to be found to facilitate for the peasant the severance of his connection with the community to which he belongs. Without delay measures have to be taken for releasing the peasants from the burdensome liability to forced labour [South African papers, please copy], and a reform is to be effected by local represen- tatives in provincial government and district administration."