14 MARCH 1903, page 23

Plain And Veldt. By J. H. Abbott._ (methuen And Co.

6s.)— The passion for the lugubrious has mastered our relatives at the Antipodes. Take the first of Mr. Abbott's "stories ahd sketches" tan-ezanrple. Tomnly Carmiehael. is -ea......

A Book Of Birds And Beasts.'

A Book of Birds and Beasts.. By Gambier Bolton, F.Z.S. (George Newnes: 5s. net.)—Perhaps the most interesting chapter in this entertaining book is that relating to the late......

Sing A Song Of Sixpence. By The Author Of "the

Lost Legends of the Nursery Songs." (Ellis and Co., Boston.)—This is a charming variation upon the team of the 'nursery rhyme. The maid was really a daughter of the wicked......

Voyages And Travels, Sixteenth And Seventeenth Century....

Beazley. (Constable and Co. 9s.)—Mr. Beazley has collected into two volumes the wonderful Elizabethan sea pamphlets originally published in Mr. Arber's "English Garner." The......

C Urrent Literature.

THE SHROUD OF CHRIST. The Shroud of Christ. By Paul Vignon. Translated from the French. (Constable and Co. 125. 6d.)—In 1898 the Sacred Shroud at Turin was exposed to view and......

Some Books Of The Week.

[Under this heading we nave such Books of the week as have not hem reierved for review in other forms.] ayteentnestra : a Tragedy. By Arnold F. Graves. With a Preface by Robert......