We Deeply Regret To Announce The Death Of Dean Bradley,
which took place in the early hours of Friday morning. We must perforce withhold comment till next week, contenting ourselves for the moment with recording the loss suffered by......
The Statement Of The First Lord Of The Admiralty Ex-
planatory of the Navy Estimates was issued on Tuesday. The Estimates for 1903-4 amount to 234,457,000, as opposed to £31,255,000 for the current year. The increase is duo to the......
The Death Of Mr. Shorthouse, Which Occurred Last Week,...
a remarkable figure from the world of letters. His environment and occupation were apparently most adverse to literary labours. He was born and bred in Birmingham, educated at a......
In The House Of Commons On Tuesday Mr. Austen Cham-
berlain, in answer to a question from Mr. Lee, made a statement which, we trust, points to the early introduction of a penny post- age between this country and the United......
Later In The Evening The Case Of Colonel Kinloch Came
under discussion on a Resolution proposed by Mr. Pixie in favour of allowing officers placed on half-pay to demand a Court - Martial. We have not space to enter into the details......
On Thursday, March 7th, The British Army And The British
nation suffered a grievous loss through the death of Colonel G. F. R. Henderson, C.B., who died at Assouan in his forty-ninth year. We will say no more ; for what Colonel......
A Great Deputation Of Members Of Parliament Waited On The
Archbishop of Canterbury on Wednesday to urge the expediency of enforcing stricter discipline upon the clergy The Members were all of them moderates and opposed to......
On Wednesday Mr. Justice Buckley Decided The Application...
Mr. Whitaker Wright in connection with the London and Globe Company. He directed the Official Receiver "to institute and conduct against Whitaker Wright a criminal prosecution"......
The Government Has Sustained A Severe Defeat In Wool- Wich,
hitherto supposed to be a safe Unionist seat. The borough has not, however, fallen to the Liberals. The Labour party has seated its candidate, Mr. W. Crooks, by the sur- prising......
In The House Of Lords On Tuesday The Lord Chancellor
introduced his Bill against the taking or giving of corrupt and secret commissions. The Lord Chief Justice heartily concurred in the wisdom of passing the measure, and we sin-......
Bank Rate, 4 Per Cent. New Consols (2i) Were On
Friday 91.......