'Bert Edward, the Golf Caddie. By Hbrek.A3 Hutchinson. (John Murray.
)—This is a really charming story, a change, how delight- ful it would not be easy to say, from the bitter fare on which we are too often dieted. 'Bert Edward is a Highland lad, driven southward by domestic troubles, and finding a livelihood on the St. Rule's links as a caddie. Luck, favour, and natural wit help him on in his career. From a caddie he rises to be a professional ; among professionals he gains the front rank, for he becomes champion. It is very pleasant to follow his fortunes. There is a pretty little love-story which serves aa a by-plot. Unfortunate critics who are compelled to be satisfied with literature instead of the "Royal and ancient" will at least find a earl-Ain compensation when a master of the game, who also wields a skilful pen, writes such a book as 'Bert...Edward. He may even pick up here and there a practical hint which may serve him when he leaves reviewing for a more serious business.