14 MARCH 1914, Page 2

In foreign affairs there is little of importance to record.

Though in Mexico the torrent of blood still flows and the tale of inglorious and cruel battles is further augmented, there has been no sign of either aide obtaining a marked advantage. On the Continent the chief event has been the astonishing newspaper campaign in Germany directed against Russia. One would imagine from these polemics that Russia, had suddenly been caught out in some nefarious plot against the welfare and independence of the German Empire, and that it was necessary to take prompt action to meet her acts of aggression. In reality, of course, Russia has done nothing, unless it be the raising of a loan in France, of which a,portion, no doubt, will be spent upon improving the railway system on Russia's western frontier, a system now so defective that it places that Empire at a great disadvantage in case of war with Germany. Considering, however, Germany's own record in building strategic railways to protect herself, as she would say, against France, this can hardly be called a hostile act.