14 MARCH 1914, page 15

Letters To The Editor.

ULSTER AND THE COVENANT. Sc,—I am looking forward with great interest to your next issue and to your views on Mr. Asquith's proposals for Ulster. It seems to me that our......


A HUNDRED-AND-SEVEN-POITND WOODEN COTTAGE. r To 7811 EDITOR Or VIII “SPZCTATOZ"] Brit,—I send you herewith plans and specification of the weather-board model cottage erected by......

The Army And Ulster.

Si,—You endorse the last sentence of Colonel White's letter which appears in your last issue "If unfortunately it comes to the worst, the Army nitwit obey; it has no option in......

Ulster And The Referendum

SIE,—The Home Rule Bill is dead. It was dead from the moment when Mr. Asquith made his speech of February 10th on the Address in reply to the Speech from the Throne. Many......

The Alleged Betrayal Of The Scurm Sin,—your Correspondent...

refers to my views in his letter published in your last issue, and I hasten to reply. I maintain that the wording of the Covenant forbids Covenanters to be a party to the......