14 MARCH 1914, page 2

No Words Of Ours Are Needed To Emphasize The Statesman-

:hip, the good sense, and the essential moderation of this offer. Sir Edward Carson might most reasonably have Insisted that, if a Referendum excluded a county, only a......

With The Rest Of The Debate We Must Deal Very

shortly. Mr. Healy declared that he preferred no Bill at all to that pro- posed by the Government, since he believed it to spell Finis Hibernia& Mr. Healy's objection was to any......

After Mr. Redmond Had Made A Speech Of " Sombre

acquiescence," and Mr. O'Brien bad spoken on 'this hateful proposal," Sir Edward Carson rose to make what was in every sense the most statesmanlike and the most profound speech......

In Foreign Affairs There Is Little Of Importance To Record.

Though in Mexico the torrent of blood still flows and the tale of inglorious and cruel battles is further augmented, there has been no sign of either aide obtaining a marked......

Mr. P. E. Smith, Who Followed, Gave Some Choice Specimens

of Mr. Lloyd Georges reckless invective and unabashed ignorance. As Mr. Smith put it, lie had heard some men who had slandered, knowing something; he had heard a few men who had......

Lord Lareadovrne, In The House Of Lords On Monday, Moved

the appointment of the Select Committee to inquire into the charges against Lord Murray, and explained the delay that had taken place in selecting the members. While crediting......

In The Commons On Tuesday Sir 3. Handles Moved A

reso- lution asking the House to regret Mr. Lloyd George's repeated inaccuracies and his gross and unfounded personal attacks upon individuals. Mr. Lloyd George's defence was......

Though It Is Easy To Dispose Dialectically Of Those Who

have raised the recent war scare in Germany, we are bound to say that the movement is one calculated to cause grave anxiety among close observers of the European situation. It......