Royal Belfast .doadentioal Institution Centenary Volume. By J. R. Fisher
and J. H. Robb. (Belfast: McCaw, Stevenson, and Orr.)—The first atone of the famous Belfast school— known to its affectionate alumni as "Inst."—was laid on July 3rd, 1810. Belfast in those days still kept a great deal of the village character, though its population was over twenty thousand. Even then, however, it was noted for its busy streets, its active inhabitants, and its strenuous civic life—a legacy from the stirring days of the Plantation. In its hundred years of useful life, the Academical Institution has educated many famous men and done much to mould the character of Ulster. This handsome volume—of which only one thousand copies have been printed for distribution amongst old pupils and friends of the school—gives an excellent account of its development, with lists of students and biographical notes of eminent " Instonians." The work reflects credit on the skill of Mr. Fisher as editor-in-chief and the loyal assistance of his colleagues.