14 MARCH 1914, Page 29

The Panama Canal. By Frederic .1. Hankie. (William Heinemann. 6s)—The

Panama Canal. By C. Reginald Enock. (Collins. is. net.)—These able accounts of a wonderful feat of engineering are written from the American and English standpoint respectively. The primary purpose of Mr. Haakin's book is" to tell the layman the story of the Panama Canal." The builder of the canal, Colonel Goethals, read and corrected the chapters relating to its construction, which may therefore be taken as officially accurate. It is a pleasant trait of character that Colonel Goethals wished to have the chapter dealing with his own personality omitted. We are glad that Mr. Raskin did not yield to this modest desire, as that chapter helps us to understand bow so vast a work has been executed eo speedily and successfully. Mr. Enock goes into the early history of schemes for a Panama Canal, and discusses their geographical and commercial aspects.