Women Workers in Seven Professions. By Edith J. Morley. (George
Routledge and Sons. 65. net)—This is a survey of the economic conditions and prospects of women in various professions, prepared under the auspices of the Studies Com- mittee of the Fabian Women's Group. Professor Morley has enjoyed the co-operation of many women who are them- selves earning a living in the way which they describe, so that it may be taken that the facts are accurate and up-to-date. The seven professions are teaching, medicine and dentistry, nursing, sanitary work, the Civil Service, clerical and secre- tarial work, and acting. Miss Lena Ashwell's plain descrip- tion of the unhealthy and offensive conditions which exist in many minor theatres and music-halls is calculated to appal the stage-struck. Where are the sanitary inspectors ?