14 MARCH 1970, Page 27


From Dr G. Singh, Dusan Kupusarevic, Dr Ljubo Sire, J. M. Walsh, R. T. Cooper, J. H. K. Lockhart, 0. S. Swainson, 'James Adams', Anna Marlowe, George Booth, Geoffrey Kennard, Jack Ross, Randolph Vigne, J. W. M. Thompson, Carola Oman, George Stephenson, Sidney Alexander, D. Brock.

The university power game

Sir: In your extremely truthful, penetrating and cogently argued editorial 'The university power game' (7 March), with which I for one would wholeheartedly agree, there is, however, one remark that, so far as my ex- perience goes, does not correspond to facts. It is when you say that the Committee of University Vice-Chancellors and Principals `last came into the public eye with its at- tempt to bully university teachers into re- vealing how they spent each hour of their waking week'. As one of those at this uni- versity, who were asked to reveal this in- formation, I can say that there was no attempt on anybody's part to bully me and that I was given to understand that it was entirely up to me to decide whether I wanted to make such information avail- able to the said Committee or not.

G. Singh Head of the Department of Italian Language and Literature, The Queen's University of Belfast