14 MARCH 1970, page 29

Disturbed But Not Put Out

Sir: Mr Barnwell (Letters, 28 Febru- ary) thinks that when Captain Maitland told Comtesse Bertrand, 'Madam, you talk like a very foolish woman' he was trying to silence 'not a......

The Fragile Society

Sir: The central issue on the South African cricket tour controversy is expressed in your leader of 21 February. Cancellation, you say, would be 'a victory for violence . . .......

An Australian Writes

Well Sir: Having just arrived from Australia on the 8th of this month and being practically addicted to the Australian political magazine Broadside I ventured forth in this......

The Age Of Plunder

Sir: May I please put right two errors which, through some inexplicable, lapse on my part, appeared in the item 'The age of plunder' in last week's 'Spectator's note- book'? The......

Machiavelli's Friend

Sir: Mr Lamer (Letters, 31 January) must have an odd sense of English—especially odd in an historian—if he considers incitation, obligated, a new regime, minimal, and evalu- ate......

Northern Art Galleries

Sir: I am collecting data for a Directory of Northern Art Galleries and Studios which is to be issued by the Mid-Northumberland Arts Group. This is intended to be a com- panion......

Violence Pays

Sir: I see that Mr George Gale (28 Febru- ary) is still indulging in polemics against Israel. Having been refuted specifically on errors of fact in his article of 24 January by......