14 MARCH 1970, Page 28

Violence pays

Sir: I see that Mr George Gale (28 Febru- ary) is still indulging in polemics against Israel. Having been refuted specifically on errors of fact in his article of 24 January by letters published on 7 February he is still maintaining that Israel seized the Arab city of Jerusalem. In the United Nations deci- sion of 29 November 1947 Jerusalem was in- tended to be open to everybody. The Arabs took east Jerusalem by force of arms and kept it, devastating and desecrating Jewish synagogues, cemeteries etc in the process. Today- Israel ,cootools Jerusalem but there•

are no barriers and Jews and Arabs mix freely there.

Mr Gale comments that the Palestine guer- rillas have declared their enemy to be suf- ficiently wide to justify attacks on aircraft practically anywhere in the world. He does not comment on whether this is right or wrong and I wonder whether he would be as reticent if Israel had attempted bomb outrages in England because our policy seems to be governed by the Arab oil lobby or their deposits which are supporting sterl- ing (the reasons why this should be so are another story), or does the heading to his article mean that it pays to do violence to the facts?