Education Without Reason
Sir: One wonders why, if Mr Szamuely (14 February) is concerned about producing the intellectual elite necessary to maintain a highly developed industrial civilisation, he is so......
Troubled Scene
Sir: J. W. M. Thompson, who generally writes such amusing good sense, really drop- ped a danger last week ('Spectator's note- book', 28 February). To write about the BBC that we......
In The Days Of Lord Reith
Sir: Much as I enjoyed Kenneth Allsop's autobiographical ruminations on the sur- rogate security of a bygone Children's Hour (28 February), even though his poetic references to......
Negro Violence
Sir: May I endorse the last paragraph of Mr Wainwright's letter (28 February). I have spent nearly forty years in tropical Africa, and my wife over fifteen. As we were engaged......
Violence Pays
Sir: I see that Mr George Gale (28 Febru- ary) is still indulging in polemics against Israel. Having been refuted specifically on errors of fact in his article of 24 January by......
Mr Heath's Striptease
Sir: My friend Mr Croft (Letters, 28 Febru- ary) scoffs at my views that 'the idea that the Conservatives are more efficient dis- pensers of justice than Labour is nonsense'.......