14 MARCH 1970, Page 29

Northern art galleries

Sir: I am collecting data for a Directory of Northern Art Galleries and Studios which is to be issued by the Mid-Northumberland Arts Group. This is intended to be a com- panion publication to the Group's recently issued Directory of Northern Writers and will, I hope, list every art gallery and studio in the six northern counties of Cumberland, Durham, Lancashire, Northumberland, Westmorland and Yorkshire.

The well known galleries (mainly munici- pally owned) are to be found in standard re- ference works, but it is the smaller, and often more recently established galleries, to- gether with those artists' studios which also perform the function of a gallery which we are anxious to trace. Any of your readers therefore who know of such a gallery or studio would be doing a very real service if they were to send me details of names and addresses.

George Stephenson Director, Mid-Northumberland Arts Group, Northumberland County Technical College, College Road, Ashington, Northumber- land