Marshal Von Wrangel, in addition to the 96,000/. already exacted
from Jutland, has now placed a requisition of more than half a million upon all landed estates, a sum it is quite impossible to collect, except perhaps by threatening the few rich men in Jut- land with death. The Prussians seem to be acting the part of plunderers. When they entered Viborg they demanded from that little place, with its 4,000 inhabitants, 19,000lb. of bread, 30,000lb. of oats, 1,200 bottles of brandy, 3,000 cigars, and other articles in proportion, and besides all this 11,000lb. of beef, 19,000lb. of bread, 1,200 bottles of brandy, and so on, every day. The Prus- sians then demanded 50,000 dollars in money, which the Town Council blankly refused to pay. Whenever the requisitions are not complied with, the soldiers plunder the place and the municipal authorities are imprisoned. The Prussians have, in fact, gone back to the system of Napoleon, and are ravaging the peninsula as a punishment for its insolence in defending itself from an unprovoked invasion.