Events Of The Month. (john And Charles Mozley.)—this New...
petitor for public favour commenced its career last January. To the ordinary contents of a magazine it adds a condensed summary of the chief events of the month, so as to be a......
Private Law Among The Romans From The Pandects. By J.
G. Phil- more, Q.C. (Macmillan and Co.)—Mr. Phillimore has written a very clear and concise account of that part of the civil law which regulates the intercourse of private......
The Eclectic And Congregational Review. (jackson,...
which deserves to be better known. The papers on general subjects are quite equal to those of any other monthly, while religions subjects are treated of course from a......
America. By J. W. Massie, D.d., Ll.d. (john Snow.)—at The
Bicen- tenary of St. Bartholomew, 1862, a letter of sympathy was received from the Rev. J. P. Thompson, Minister of Broadway Tabernacle, New York, on behalf of an assembly of......
The Baptist Reporter. New Series. January To March, 1864....
Heaton and Son.)—The claim of the new series to be regarded as "a first-class monthly" is scarcely supported. With general literature it does not meddle, and the particular......
Poems. Original And Translated. By "s. H. F." With...
(London : Longmans, 1863.) —This is a very interesting little volume. The original poems it contains—" Autumn Leaves," as the writer names them—are chiefly of the quiet,......
The Principles Of Agriculture. By William Bland, M.r.a.s....
and Co.)—A concise exposition of the reasons for the various pro- cesses of the oldest of arts. Mr. Bland insists much on the necessity of paying due attention to the fallow,......
A Reading Book For Evening Schools. By The Rev. C.
K. Paul. (Long- man and Co.)—A little volume of extracts, each of which will take one of the more advanced classes of an evening school about twenty minutes to read. The......
English Biblical Criticism And The Pentateuch From A...
of View. By John Muehleisen-Arnold, B.D. Vol. L (Longman and Co.) —If any one had cherished a hope that the violence of theological hatred was now exhausted, that the disputants......
Dalsiets Illustrated Arabian Nights. (ward And Lock.)...
Bible. (S. 0. Beeton.) Casselts Illustrated Bible. Casselts Illustrated History of England. Cassell's Popular Natural History. Casselts Popular Educator. Casselts Illustrated......
The Life And Lessons Of Our Lord. By The Rev.
John Cumming, D.D. (John F. Shaw and Co.)—This publication is certainly a remark- able instance of what may be done now to combine excellence with cheapness. The type and paper......
The Englishwoman's Journal. March, 1861. (jerrold And...
Domestic Magazine. (S. 0. Beeton.) — We have been very much struck by the common sense and absence of prudery which distinguish the first of these periodicals. In the March......