On Thursday Three Hundred Of The Clergymen Who Signed The
Oxford Declaration of faith waited on the Archbishop of Canter- bury at Lambeth to deliver in the names of the signitaries, and to read an address to his Grace from the......
The Moniteur Confirms The Statement That A Large Russian...
is assembled on the frontier of Bessarabia, and M. Rouher, speak- ing of Denmark, said on Thursday, "If by possibility France could embark her treasure in such an enterprise, it......
The Queen Held A Court At Buckingham Palace On Wednesday.
Her Majesty wore the blue riband and badge of the Garter, the badges of the Victoria and Albert Order, and, says the Court Circular, which does not make mistakes on such points,......
The First Naval Engagement Of The War Has Terminated To
the advantage of the Danes. On Saturday, the 7th inst., the Austrian Captain Teggetoff, in command of the frigates Schwartzenberg and Radetzky, and the Prussian gunboats Adler......
Lord Russell Explainedon Monday That "a Suspension Of...
a month had been agreed upon, in which the Germans give up nothing and the Danes give up their bliccka.de. The Germans had offered to evacuate Jutland on condition that the......
News Of The Week.
O N Wednesday Mr. Gladstone exploded a mine in the Liberal or pseudo-Liberal camp. He made a speech at once masterly and beautiful in favour of giving to the working classes a......
Marshal Von Wrangel, In Addition To The 96,000/. Already...
from Jutland, has now placed a requisition of more than half a million upon all landed estates, a sum it is quite impossible to collect, except perhaps by threatening the few......