A bundle of papers front South Australia brings intelligence to
the 6th of June. A bundle of papers front South Australia brings intelligence to the 6th of June.
A bill had been brought into the Council for giving a municipal cor- poration to Adelaide, in pursuance of a recommendation by the Home Government that all towns having a population of 2,000 souls should be incorporated.
'rite papers give a report of a public meeting for the purpose of send- 1).
ing an expedition into the Northern interior or the continent, with the view of setting at rest the alleeed existence of an inland sea, and of ascertaining tb,: nature and capaiiilitics of the Country in thot direction. The Honourable captain Sturt pre,ided. he Governo.: advanced 100/. on belie I' of the Government, and furnished the loan of two horses : and additional subscriptions were given in to the amount of upward.: 41f Soot, Governor Gawler returned to Adelaide, front a visit to Port Lincoln, on the 14th of May. The Governor had published some long notes on the geological aml geographical characteristics of the peninsula of Eyrie, the trianaular tract of land of which the Postern side is thrilled by the whole length of Spencer's Gulf, and the Western side by the sea-coast as far as Denial Bay. The report d !es not generally give a very high idea of the fertility of the country, though some good tracts appear to be found in the vilifies. The thllowing extract supplies the information most immediately- desired—
Graham's Town papers come down to the 27th of August.
A meeting was held at Graham's Town, on the 10th ofJuly, on the subject of immigration. Resolutions were agreed to, urging the neces- sity of immigration, and of adoptiug for the Cape " the system 11f l',110- nazation now generally adopted, of applying the proce:.ds of all Crown lands to the purpose of emigration ; and recommending the :.aie of Crown land in the Eastern (Usti lets. and the appropriation of the revenue already derivable from lands to the immigration purposes. The reso- lutions further mserted the eligibility of the Cape as a site for the em- ployment of capit,il and labour. A committee of live gentlemen Was ap- pointed to draw up a memorial On the subject to the Secretary of State for the Colonies.
The Graham's Toren Journal of August 0th states, among its fron- tier news, that at the instollation of Sundilla. the great chief of the Gallia clans, there were present, it was computed, about is,000 Coffers, 3,01m of whom were armed with guns of different descriptions, tiring being kept up the whole day ; and gunpowder, in 51b. bags., was pro- duced in abundanee,—a filet which deserved the at of the autho- rities, when it was considered that the whole had been obtained by Illicit traffic.