The Overland Mail From India, Which Reached London On...
day and Thursday, acquaints us with the arrival tit Macao of the expedition against China, and brings news of serious import front our possessions in the East. The range of this......
It Required No Depth Of Penetration To Discover That There
were ele- ments of discord in the Provisional Government of Spain, which would ere long be developed. The determination of the Regency against compliance milli the demands of......
Tlie King Of The Belgians Opened The Session Of The
CI:embers of that country on Tuesday. The relations subsisting between King LEoPOLD and the Courts of England and France make his position of more than ordinary importance at......
The News Fro::: The North-v:sseti R.: "i I A Most
iti a three:ening a:neer. 'I'lte whole of Upper St-- state of inse,:reetien, and the ii ii of sole en 1: te:isli • 1' N OP' Cal at rek'l :1 The. NVIIIIIIraWal Of the utotr.t.te......
News Of The Week.
THE opening of the Chambers has been the means of snaking known the sentiments of the influential of all classes in France on the foreign policy of that country ; and, with the......
And The Lave/tees Of The State." French Chambers Las' Wah.
V ere desget. se. 1'eris with suelt expedition, that the translations which appeared in the London papers of Friday were necessarily hurried. We hoped to obtain a copy of the......