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upon the sudieet of tin. 11,, 1''.: r ( '........... :- ordered the ease to be .i":.....• . .. 1 Neill tab(' place about tho n.: . ' next In .. 7 • .. :1CI...; and It is......
The Daily Papers Publish A Note, Dated November 2d,...
by Lord Palmerston to Lord Granville, in reply to M. Thiers's note of the 8th October. The note does not contain much new argument, and the altered posture of affairs diminishes......
The New French Ministers Seem Determined To Act...
the press. On Sunday, the National was seized at the post and its own office, for an article on the administration ot' the Army, which will be submitted to the consideration of......
The Monitor). Parisien Of Monday Night Gives A...
from Bayonne, stating that on the 3d the Provisional Regency pub- lished a programme, which they had promised, of their policy. They declare that they will adhere strictly to......
The Augsburg Gazette Of The 4th Instant Publishes A Letter
from Constantinople, dated the 18th ultimo, announcing the arrival of Colonel Bodges (late British Consul at Alexandria) from Beyrout, which place Ile 101 on the 12th of......