14 NOVEMBER 1840, Page 11


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S1.--k, 'the interest Ht • in the follow big pro. 1,C,I, ale ,i,i,,.., '• ilank Stock I, Some l.1,7i... 111V Oiti-C.• Au 110 till 1!;.• 1 ,.

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1 into one tio.criut :on el 1%, .,;,- i.e upon which is tel c,,,t,im t.. , eit the portIOU :

/116 5 0 New Five per Cents, for every £100 Five per Cent. Bonds of all descrip. thins;

139 10 0 • • .£100 Six per Cent. Bonds;

106 9 E • ' £100 in Debentures. besides the frnetion of interest tor the month of December


49 15 0 £100 Thr.•0 per Cent. Bowl.

The interest of the New Stock will be payable on the 1st January and 1st Juty in each year: this payment to he made at the rate of 2/ per cent, per annum during the four years from January 1841 to December 1844; of 3 per cent. from 1845 to 1848; of 4 per cent. from 18-19 to 1832; of 3 per cent, in the following eight years from 1853 to 1800; and of 6 per cent. from 1861, as long as may be necessal thr the integral reimbursement of the part of the in- terest Imprint during the first twelve years, which will end in 1832, returning afterwards to the rate of 5 per cent, until the Stock shall be completely re- deemed. It is proposed to pay in cash half the amount of dividend that will become due in December next, being 1/. 5s. per cent, upon the Five per Cent. Stock and 15s. per cent, upon the Three per Cent. Stock. This decree confers a great boon upon the holders of the Five per Cents. 1837; which have long been current at prices varying from 6 to 1 per cent, below the other Five per Cent. Stock, and which by this arranitement are put upon the same Noting as the more valuable Bonds. The old Five per Cents. of the loan of 1823 are not included. Opinions differ as to the propriety of this ar- rangement, and the effeet that it will ultimately produce upon the value of Portuguese Stock : it being considered that the saving effected in the annual charge, by the temporary reduction of interest, will not be a compensation for the forge Increase of the amount of the debt, occasioned by the funding of the overdue Coupons, which will amount together to the creation of about 1,200,000/. Stuck. It would seem from the price of the Stock, that the Bond- holders are satisfied; the improvement in the preeent Five per Cents, being snore than 2 per cent. Spanish Active has improved considerably, and has been rising the whole as

week, till the price h to-day been as Intjh as 2-t. The first impulse was given by the proclamatiou of tile Regency postponing all organic relinms till the meeting ot the Cortes. Some influential purchases were made upon the

rst appearance of this document, by which the Bonds were forced up to 23, the opening price of to-day. The rise of 1 per cent. in the course of the morning has been caused by the appearance in the market of a new speculator, who has bought largely. The other Foreign Funds keep pace with the improvement in Consols. Dutch Two-and-a-lialf per Cents. have advanced about I per cent. Russian Bonds are nominally quoted at 112 to 114, but are in demand at 113. New Mexican Five per Cents. arc 291 30. The South American Stocks are also iu request ; Chilian have ban done as high as GO ; and Columbian may be quoted at 251.


The delay in the arrival of the French mail, the letters by which have only just been delivered, has caused the carlt putt of the morning to pass over with:. out any transactions of importance ; Consols are, however, lower, and after being at Mi both for Nouey ttml Account, are now 894 it. TM: French Funds decimal on Thursday about "! per cent.: the Three per Cents., which were on Wednesday 79 70, had been 7t:: 55, and closed at 795. Notwithstanding the excitement among the dealers in Spanish Stock here, there seems to be but little fluctuation in that Stock in l'ati,, which closed on Thursday at the open- ing. price i.f that day, viz. at 23. The Foreign Funds generally are at the quo- lawns of yesterhy, with the exception of :•,panish Active, which after being at 23,1. is now 211 ;'.. The u tint monthly Matement of the Liabilities and Assets of the Bath of Eir!land has 1...:.m riblislied ; and compared with the last there is a decrease ia ille Circulathiu to the extent of 423,000/, in the Deposits of 366,0J0/., in the Securities of 463,000/, and in the Bullion of 416,000/.

3 per Cuaut. C..nsals

rxelp-p,.; Bills ... .

111,11:14i..c .

Puii.. Stack 242 i Ibi-siatt 5 per Cents Bruit:au 5 per Cents 74 6 • Si, 'dill (Active) SD ?; ! ColuntluUtu 6 per Cents 169 60 .p, „:„g,,,,. Regency b per Cts 233611. 7I

I 3 pin. Iktto 3 per Cents 23 1-

112 114