The Clockmaker ; or the Sayings and Doings of Samuel Slick, of Slickvilles Third series.
The City of the .i'llagyar ; or Hungary and her Institutions, in 1839-40. By Miss PAUDOE, Author of " Traits and Traditions of Portugal," &e. In three vols.
Irish Life: in the Castle, the Courts, and the Country. In three vols. The Letters of Horace Walpole, Earl of Oillnyl; including numerous
letters now first published from the Original Manuscripts. In six vols.
Vol. VI. 1778-1797.
The Lift, and Times of Montrose : illustrated from Original Manuscripts, including Family Papers now first published from the Montrose Char- ter-chest and other private repositories. By MAuK NAPIER, Esq., advocate. With portraits and autographs.
Ma Podrirla. By the Author of "Peter Simple," &c. In three vols. The Conspirators; or the Romance of Military Life. By EDWARD QUILLINAN. 111 three vols.
The Keepsake for 1841. Edited by the Countess of BLESSINOTON. LC,(jendS of Venice. illustrated by J. R. HERBERT. Edited by THOMAS ROSCOE, Esq.
Heath's Boole if Beauty. 1841. With beantifully-finished engravings, from drawings by the first artists. Edited by the Countess of BLES• SINGTON.
BeigiWit; in a Picturesque Tour. By THOMAS Roscoe, Eq. With sixteen highly-finished engravings, from original designs by THOMAS ALLOM, Esq.
Fisher's Drawing-Room Scrap-Death. 1841. With Poetical Illustrations by MARY HOWITT.
The Juvenile Scrap-Book. By Mrs. Emus, Author of " The Women of England." 1841.
The Lost Angel, and the History of the Old Adansites, found written on the Pillars of Seth. By TitomAs IltortuNs, Esq.
[The subject of this poem is the fall of man ; and Mr. HAwrsees has ens deavoured to give it novelty by making an angel fall in love with Eve and in- duce her to worship him, by entering the penctralia of time Almighty and stealing; therefrom the record or talisman of Earth. The deviation from Scrip- ture is fantastical, not novel, and will displease most classes of readers. The re- ligious will be offended at the liberty taken with revelation; the critic misses the Paradisiacal simplicity of the first pair, and recognizes a philosophical incon- gruity in the daring attempts of the angel in his revolt against the Godhead and other points; the Platonic affection of Eve is namby-pamby ; and the whole is so opposite to received opinion, that a much more artful management than thit of Mr. HAWKINS must have thiled in inspiring interest. Nor does the ex- ecution make any amends for the errov of the plan. There is no wholeness in the verse : the only part of it which is not reflected from other writers is an occasional wildness,—which may be imitated too, though we do not im- mediately recognize the prototype.] Stretches and Legends amid the Mountains of Xorth Wales. In verse. By JANET W. WILKINSON. rA volume of poems displaying a nicely-tuned ear, and very considerable skill Ill versification fisr " a girl of fifteen," as the writer announces herself: The defect of the volume is one that is natural, almost inevitable, to a person of her years,—a predominance of sountl over substance ; and a want of that quality, not very soon acquired, of rejecting every accessory not strictly necessary to the subject, by which alone precision, strength, and interest can be at- tained, especially in these days of versifying.] The Chief if Glee-Ore/toy: illustrative of Highland manners and mytho- logy in the middle ages. [Rather a parody on SCOTT than an imitation. Not only are the style sad scenery copied, hut the very mode of using the local oanies.] The Genius. and other Poems. By II A RE1:11.
The Seer; or Commonplaces Refteshed. By Lewis HusT. In two . parts. Part I.
[When travellers visit those " potted cities" Pompeii and llerculaneum, the guides are accustomed to sprinkle water over the painted walls of the houses, which brings out their seemingly Wed colours in lull Iirilliaticy : anal. mgous to the effect of this " relTeshing " process on the pictorial rommminplaves of the buried cities of antiquity, is the revivifying influence on the real emninimplaces of our every-day life wrought by the liana Of poetic sympathy whieli is the spring of BEion HUNT'S genius. There is this differ.: nee, however, that
whereas the works of art lose sonic of their brightuess by t m 4 I:, at tempt to revive them, the creations of nature appear more and more brilliant for every effort of thought hy which the true intellectual guide inalses to C01)11111111 C.CTS the beauties and wonders around us. These genial amt smisskling CS ,71.,', culled from the Loudon Journal and other extinct periedieale will be new to very many readers, tmid welcome iit their present compact Valle SUbjeCt9 are So IBMicly, that they incite the teatIcr to sottti, l'tiollw. i'trilies possible to treat them with any thing like elevation M. I,riginality ; and the mixture atilt! actual and the ideal in thought, time familiar and lb m gimacelui m style, is pleasurable even to surprise. time of the most suggestivt mid full of various ideas is the paper " On a Pelthle ; " " Windows " let in a flooit. Of beautiful images ; " Breakfast," ilk the elitindance and variety of its delicacies, surpasses the ha-hulled Scotch breakfi-s.; ; a " Pinch of Sollir" it at mance pungent and aromatic ; the " Dusly Ibly " and " Halo). Day " are a pair of pictures painted to the lift,; and "The NVaiter " and "The Butcher " are two "studies olcharacter " equal to time bl•St ill the Heads qf the Peopk.] Jest and Ettrnest ; a series of Essays. [A collection a ill VCIlile Cs,ayS, Ilistiliguishol by very considerable neatnem.mms and terseness of diet ben but somewhat deficient, as was to be I•xpected, in weight or truth of matter. The substance is invented or commonplace.] The Excitement ; or a Book to induce Young People to Read. 1841. Being the twelfth of the series. Edited by the Rev. ROBERT JAMIESON, Minister of Currie.
[Since its change of editors, the original Excitement hardly maintains its early character. The conductor appears to want a wider field of literature l'rom. which to make his selections.]
The Mabimwion, from the Llyfr Coch o Ffergest, and other ancient Welsh Manuscripts ; with an English Translation and Notes. By Lady CHARLOTTE GUEST. Part III., containing " Geraint the Son Of Erbin."
tin the third part of this munificent undertaking by Lady CIIARLOTTE GUEST, there is no falling-off in splendour of decoration, or in literary merit : indeed, the notes display more variety and learning than in the previous num- bers. But the tale, " Geraint the Son of Erbil]," is inferior to its predecessors; possessing less consistency and interest of story. It would almost appear as If it were a later production; having much of the shred and patchlike air that distinguishes the manufacturer of tales from the original writer.]
Gera/Ale; a Tale of Conscience. By E. C. A. Third Edition. Com- plete in one vol. [A third edition of a controversial and Boman Catholic novel, which we bare twice noticed at length; comprised in one volume, after the fashion of the various editions of the novelists, now in vogue.]
A Present from Germany ; or the Christmas-Tree. Translated from the German by EMILY BERRY.
[A German child's book ; consisting of a dozen little apologues and fairy tales, of moral and religious tendency, but rather clumsily constructed, and some- what mystical in the senthnent : the German writer's limey is alternately literal and fantastical, and the sudden transition from one condition to the other causes a confusion of ideas in a child. The descriptions of natural scenes and phauno- niena are the best part.] The Widow Burnaby. By FRANCES TROLLOPE. (Standard Novels, No. LXX I.) [The eightieth volume of Mr. BENTLEY'S ShOititthiNOre/S. What a prolific age of fiction is ours !—and this octogenarian volume does not contain the /rot of the "standard " novels of our time.] Time Flora of lot.kshire. With two plates. By HENRY' BAINES, Sub- Curator to the Yorkshire Philosophical Society. [The attraction of a catalogue of plants NVIliC11 are found in a particular district niust be limited to botanists who take either a loeal or a very comprehen- sive view of their pursuit. 'The publication of Mr. BAINES is, however, an able work of its kind ; clear, distinct, and well-arranged, especially in its intro- ductory descriptions of the leading divisions of the county of York, which exhibit the easy precision arising from thorough mastery of the subject. The catalogue is also relieved from mere dictionary dryness, by brief local descrip- tions, germane anecdote, or apt snatches of poetry naturally introduced, and not so often as to seem overdone or sink the character of the Flora iu that of an oils podrida.]
Statistical Exercises on the Maps If Great Britain and Ireland, for Schools and Private Tuition. By E. C. NUNN. Second edition, eu- larged and improved.
[A compendium of useful information illustrative of British geography, by which the natural features, products manutitet ores, and municipal divisions of the several counties+, are impressed' on the memory of the pupil. The popu- lation-returns would he a desirable addition to this elementary handbook of the statistics of the United Kingdom.] Discourse on he Enlarged and Pendubots Belly; showing it to be a vis- ceral affection, and attended with many important consequences in the human economy. With cursory Observations on Diet, Exercise, and the general management of Health, tbr the use of the Dyspeptic. By Riciiranu FRANI:EM, consulting-surgeon. [An essay attributing the portly appearance of a fair round belly to disease, and recommending regimen and treatment to reduce all Falstaff-like protuberance of form. The little book is popular in its style, but not very prutbund in its views.] The Hone Paulinw of 1Villiant Paley, D.D., carried out and illustrated in a Continuous History of the ..4posto1ic Labours and 11"ritings of St. Paul, on the basis of the Acts, with intercalary matter of sacred nar-
rative supplied from the Epistles, amid elucidated in occasional disserta-
tions. By JAMES TATE, M.A., Canon Residential.). of Sr. Paul's. [This volume is a reprint of PALEY'S unrivalled argument ill support of the authenticity of the Acts and the Epistles, so far as they relate to St. Paul. The Horre Pauti»o, is preceded by a narrative of the great Apostle's career, deduced by Mr. TATE from the Acts and Epistles, anml digested into uhro- nological order. The words of the Scripturea, with occasional alteratious from the text of GUIESBACII, are quoted in the biography, any remarks of the compiler being introduced afterwards; and notes, grammatical, controvereial, or illustrative, being added in an appendix. The work is painstaking, and brings into one point of view the texts which relate to the Apostle of the Gentiles.] Select Remains of the late Re c. Jidat Citohe, of the 'Tabernacle, Moartielda, London ; and .Maidenhead, Berks. By the Rev. Dr. REDFORD. In two vols.
A collection of passages from the manuscript sermons of an eminent Dissent- lug preacher, reprinted in a more handy form, from his biography, where they stood as an appendix. They are distinguished by pith and plainness, and a logical appeal ad ridiculum, which has the effect of humour. They may be Perusal :13 favourable extunples of Dissenting pulpit eloquence.
Rolm. the Mhnagetnent of our Affairs in Chino, rime the opening of the trade in 1814 ; with an Analyais a the Government Despetelics. from the assumption of office by Captain E Lauer, on the lath December l30, to the `22d of March 1639.
Thierry'a History of the Conquest of England by the .1',,M,1115. From time 1:1SI Paris edition. (Popular Library. of Modern Authors; Copyright editions.) SERI At Ireland, its Scenery, Character, 6.e. Ilv Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Il-
lustrated by distinguished Artists. Part 1.
Popular Errors Explained and 111ustrat, if By Jona I IL ES. Part IL Thomas's Troushriion of the Drell on Two Sticks, Port V Ii.
21h111011 Li'mmeo Itt, illustrated hy ToNy .lonaNNoT. Part III.
dem Runt. IV the Old Sailor. Part 11 1.
Brayky's Togogrophicol Ilislory of Sorry, Part III.
The Lions' Din. By ,Jon E. DanwiN. Noa. 1., 11., and Ill.
i'Vrhl General Bhwraphical Dictionary, Part X.
British Botterllies and their Transfiwina low, No. IV.
History qf Ai/jai/eon, Part X XII.
The Low co/wen:ley It comprising the history of Wills. and every particular respecting their forms, powers, mode of cancelling. and re-
vival ; with thrills ot of individnals, in different circumstanees and spheres of life. (Tyas's Legal lland-Booka.) Pounry-Mizid. (Guide to Service.) Charles O'Malley, No. VIII, Gideon Giles the Roper, Parts VI. and VII.
_Mister linmphrey's Clock, Part VII.
The Tower of London, Part XI.
Paul Periwinkle, No. XVIII.
Savage's Dietionory of Printing, No. VII.
Marryat's Pour Jade, No. XI.
Lane's Translation of the Arabian Nights, Part XXX.
First Exercises for Chiblren in Light, Shade, and Colour; with nu- merous Illustrations. Being a Supplement to " Drawing for Children." L This little book is a key with which the parent or teacher roar open a world of beauty to the observation of the child, that neither, perhaps, tad+ any notion of: it explains the various pinenomena of natural appearances in the simplest manner, and teaches the elementary principles on which they are imitated by art ; thus, while it instructs in the art of seeing nature, it shows how to appreciate pictures. The various questions and experiments are adapted to exercise the perceptions of children in an entertaining manner, and provide an abundant source of amusement, that will insensibly make them conversant with the principal laws that govern the ocular senses. The text is illustrated by numerous figures and coloured diagrams.] TtIlis's Loudon Street Views; forming a complete Stranger's Guide through London. No. LXXV. [A novel and ingenious plan of exhibiting the streets of London in detail; being in fact a graphic directory, or picture-map of the Metropolis. The houses on both sides of every street are represented in outline, with the number above earl), and occasionally the oame and business of the occupier ; while at one end, of time double line of street-elevations is a.plan of the neighbourhood, and at the other a view of sonic conspicuous house in it. We can only account fiir the extraordinary cheapness of the numbers, (in the 750, the first that we have seen, the whole of Chiswell Street is sold for three halfpence,) by supposing that for the introduction of particular names and shops an advertisement-fee IS taken. Be this as it may, the volume when complete will be both useful and curious. A little history of the spot, with an account of any noted resident, is also given : and in this number it exemplifies the incompleteness arising from the oinisaion of names, fur in the memoir of CASLON, the famous type-founder, his name is spoken of as giving celebrity to the street, yet upon referring to the delineation, his house is not distinguishable: some compromise should: be made in favour of disti»guished tradesmen.] The Wesleyan Centenary Picture ; representing the rescue of the Founder of Methodism from the Fire of the Parsonage-house at Epworth Painted by H. P. PARKER; engraved by S. W. REYNOLDS. [Mr. PAI:KER having suggested the iirea of commemorating the first centenary of Methodism iuy. a picture, WU'S recommended lv his friend time ReverendJaatES EvounTr, who does the honours of the painting, to take for his subject the eacape of Jona: 1Vnsixv, when a child, from his father's blitzing house, This, being a striking scene for the artist, was chosen; and certainly he could not have fixes! upon one better suited to his powers. As far as regards the general effect, the print is a liareible representation of the accuse : the imminent danger of young "Wesky—the eager exertions of the villagers to save him, (one of them having got on the shoulders of another receives hint in his arms out of time window)—the confusion and alarm of the family group—and the glare of the flames on the wintry mootilit landscape—are vividly portrayed : but in the higher qualities of art, the drawing and expressiou of the figures, the artht is sadly deficient ; no one would suspect the females huddled together to be the mother and sisters of the rescued child, from their looks ; amid old Mr. \Vtaley. haff-dressed and kneeling with clasped hands, can only appear impres- sive cc) Ilium se who overlook the painter's Millet-factions, and imagine the emo- tions of at father under such circumstances : even the I11:111 who Is saving the child seems as if he were merely helping him off a hay-riek. Nor is this the fault of the engrana—who has done his part admirahly we saw the painting it sAf when it was exhibited, and perceiving then the defects we are now compelled to notice. WC declined looking mention of it, not wishing to disturb the general feeling cf satisfaction aiumeg thoao whom it most con- cerned. 1 The Illustrated Tratts's Hymns. Edited by the Rev. ALEXANDER FLETunun, of Finsbury Chapel, Author a " Family Devotion," &c. No. I.
[A pictorial hymn-book for Dissenting, congregations, corresponding in size and typo with' Mr. Kali:DT'S Pi,:torad Bible ; every other pag,e being embellished with a design of +some appropriate subject. oecupying, bah' a side. The designs, though huttter strictly' original nor alwia's perfectly ideal, are striking and effective ; and being both drum mm and engraved oil the wood by W. .1. LINT ON, their execution is highly creditable to the artist. Mr. FLETcunit'S taak is contined to aupervieion merely.: The Fashi,,n-llook, and Beau Monde a-la-r ranoalse ;
enriched with monorail:: It figures of lady-like gentlemen.
Edited by the Author of " The Comic Latin Grammar." The Coat-nines antl other illustrations by JOHN Lr ECII.
[A capital burlesque of the French Magazines of Fashion, ludierouslv esti- caturino the effailimoi• modes of modern dandies. and especially the 'hirsute monist o'.olt ies of In Jenne Frallre." Well:DT often missed GEORGE CRYIK• sit ANN'S annual satire of the follies of fashion, and are elad to welcome :I worthy stiv.c,:or iii Ii.Lieu ii; who bits otIeharactcr very 'happily. has a quick per. ception of the ;oaui i-aqui,. and both draws and etch: -.ail. The ha-brid aspect of the enhisetthitc,1 exquisite, with hoar-glass .111,1 homilies of curia, is moat aino:ingiv repiesented : the effect of the eemalas: a 0... sy.. ti,k. tietares is
ilideacribahly &oil. There tire four quarto Cot,. ,a- .o. •• ores of
fun •• in every varietv of rlilicoloua . 0.1-put tmhmean, biltrIkli like the to the smooth-faia .1 lealaiaa al,' a girl in tight pant:do:ma mm trio tit' juvenile fops, r,::1141,1h:g or,: 01. tile piippy-dog 'divers of the Ailelphi. are extremely conlie.1, .rieito.'s the I ri of Prose. Poetry.. ;old Art. for IS Illus- trated mm /ti be \V. and E. EINDEN. ID/111 Paintings by F. P. SLEPHANotT and If. COMI;01. Lli, Etlitg..ti 1,y iAiiV iii SSELL trfo .Aothor em Our Village.- &e. /aid/alibi th.• II t'f' MI' .1;417;4' : :1 t■erit', - finished en- gravings: executed underctile superintendence of hi r, 11' II A It it S his' ATU. PrO111 ClIALON. R. A.. Painter to the Queen, tool other eminent artists. With Illuatrationa in Verse by- distinguished Conteikutors. tkam, LI by Mrs. FA1111.11- Third caries.
il.,• ,• Part X 1 .
Part XVI-.
iar.l! r• . Part X X V 1.—" PO•o
ing.- Much Ado About No-
thThe Most Commeet.Iry the (11,1 arid New Testaments ; Oddly ex- planatory' of the manners and cin.t minis inent in the Saenal Scrip- (tires; Red of the Liatory. geography, natural hiatoty. and aut iqut- ties him tmg a iv 1iublic:16mm cut time Notes of the Pictorial Bible.- of • size which v 1:11ti.;e with the authorized editions of the Saenal 'Feat;
with many hundred wood-cuts, from the best and most authentic sources. Vol. II.
The Illustrated Shakspere, Part XIX.
Sibson's Illustrations of Muster Humphrey's Clock, No. VI.
Heath's Waverley Gallery, Part VIII.
Le Keux's Memorials of Cambridge, No. VIII.
Tudor Library, Part IV. PAMPHLETS.
Useful Remarks upon Spectacles, Lenses, and Opera-Glasses; with Hints to spectacle-wearers and others : being an epitome of practical and useful knowledge upon this popuhr and important subject. By J. T. HUDSON, optician and spectacle-maker. 1: A very intelligent pamphlet by a practical man of business, giving informa- tion beyond that of the mere shopkeeper to his customer.) What can be Done to Suppress the Opium Trade. By WILLIAM GROSER, Secretary to the Anti-Opium Society.
Address of William Cargill, Esq., to the South Shields Chamber of Cmn- meree, 4th May 1840, on the Foreign Policy of England.
The Nature of an Oath as taken in a Court of Justice, familiarly ex- plained in a short Catechism. By the Hon. and Rev. S. G. OSBORNE, Author of " Hints to the Charitable," &c. With a few words of Advice to a Person about to give Evidence in a Court of Justice. Second edition.
Medical Reform : a Letter to H. Warburton, Esq., M.P., on the utility of Extending the Provisions of his Bill to Chemists and Druggists, and on the necessity of Extinguishing Quackery by Act of Parliament. By a Druggist.
Review of the Joint- Stock Bank Acts, and of the Law as to Joint-Stock Companies generally ; with the Practical Suggestions of a Solicitor for their Amendment. In a Letter to the Right Honourable the Chancellor of the Exchequer, by MATTHEW DOBSON LOWNDES.
Letter to Archibald Alison, Esq., Author of the "history of the French Revolution," &c., from A aclinsarn M•LEr.Lax, Esq., late President of the Glasgow Dilettanti Society, on Mr.'s nn,tion that a Foreign Artist be employed to execute the Eque1 Ian Statue of his Grace the Duke of Wellington, to be erected in Glasgor.
Magazines fbr NOvember—Blackwood's, Tait's, Fraser's, Dublin Uni- versity, Monthly Chronicle. The Citizen, Bentley's Miscellany, London, Irish Penny Journal, Colonial, Asiatic Journal, Alexander's East India, Law, Monthly Law, The Chemist, Floricultural, Florist's Journal. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. December 1839.
1. The Historical, Moral,and Weather Almanack, for 1841.
2. Oliver and Boyd's Threepenny Almanack, for 1841.
3. The Meteorologist, and Daily Account of the ll'eather : an Almanack with an Ephemeris for 1841. By W. J. SIMMONITE, M.M.S
4. Political Almanack, for 1841; and the Annual Black Book. By IL J. RICHAEDSON.
[No. 1, in addition to the usual chronicle of occurrences, gives concise notices of historical events and characters, interspersed with aphorisms, and a daily prog- nostication of weather. No. 2 is an almanack for Scotland; containing lists of fairs and markets, the fiars-prices for L7::19, banks, puldic conveyances, Houses of Lords and Commons, population, &c. No. 3, in addition to a daily weather- table, gives a summary of the state of the weather during each month, and the planetary conjunctions on which the iorognostications are calculated, with as• tro-meteorological rules for judging of the changes of the weather, and tables of astronomical data. No.4 deals in details of National Debt, taxation, revenue and expenditure, showing the cost of Government in its various ramifications, and the wealth of the Church.]