Mr. Boucher justified the refusal of payment, on the ground
that to have accepted the bill would have been to sanction an irregularity, as his brother was not authorizea to draw from Sydney.
A variety of documents were read by Mr. Ashurst ; and among them two letters fawn Mr. Frederick Boucher, in London, to his brother at Adelaide. One of these ember:eat he Adelaide brother to draw on the Bank in Le ,aou for 5,i nM/. whilst the other, sent by the same ship, directed NM not to draw on that antliority until he heard again : " in the mean time," said this second letter, "it may serve to exhibit in case of need."
Mr. Ashurst demanded to know who were the Directors of the Bank, and to see the deed of settlement. The Lord Mayor di- rected that he should be allow el to see the deed and a list of the Directors ; arid he left the Mamionhowie tbr that purpose. But he shortly returned, folhea ed by Mr. Thomas, and stated that he had seen the deed of settlement., which had hot a single name attached to it. Mr. Thomas said that the mune,' e.../ald aeon be appended ; and he as- sured the Lord Mayor that the Direetors e ere most respectable persons. The Lord Mayor recommended that Mr. Ashurst. should be supplied with a list of them.
On Tuesday. other clwrees were preferred against the British and Australosien hOnk,a a in tn,t1 ext't.,,i ye kind. Mr. Bed- dome, solicitar t rt in a .1 he represented Mr. F. Grote, the 0 ... a el of exchange fin. 985/., and twelve
other partiee v. hes- I„ . elea al all to 1,-177/. I es., had been taken !-ay the Bael, i ah. ; :1, in September and October of
last year, and H I 11:11 a bill mid money-orders, pay- able at Adel • , ,•!.i c it,•11,.11,nds at the colony
with their ;; r i. I in the world
except the pH •ii their ino;:ey, they in vain looked about a A usirabei..ti lIank. There appeared nolitgly ;,, the 'onipany and back the bill for ;feet ; and all lie, are sent to England for recovery, most of the onforttt • 1. el reli,inee upon the rept:imita- tions of the Conq,:t ,,r dy, it uti,ii ten thous:in:I miles from Ent:eel:a. ale II Show th,o. live weeks before Mr. Bee, 1: ' emeies :Ind granted th,,se orders, letters were in :dr. 4 liarlk...; Boucher had left the colony and Heete a:, pro., ; -eer for honouring the drafts sent out taere.
Mr. Thorna.i admit let!. h ! rtnolii red on Seturday showed that an , , iie Bank was necessary. Mr. Bouctwr !H. ;111 arose fleets the shipwreee l.; , 'harles ;su hiss CO1111110 he, of coarse, mid WA he sit-. r .1e. The Bank had remitted money and goods to his brother to AdeLliae, u. :01, mese than ad,,tputte to meet the demands upon that egeeee eed the return of lii till.crimwral,il was attribut- able to Mr. Chart:, Bee :her. Ile positiveds denied that he knew his
brother had left the cohnly w Me Crotea. bill was greeted, though
the fact was ktiown at the time to other parties in 1.0lid■rn. He asserted
that the Bank had 28,000/. in the hands of their agents, Messrs. Walker, in Sydney.
Alderman Pine, who took an active part in the examination as a Director of the South Australian Company, said he did not believe any thing of the kind. He did not scruple to call these Inteking transactions a system of gross fraud, and that the &air must go before another tribunal.
The late Lord Mayor, with the approbation of the parties, appointed four gentlemen to examine the accounts of the Bank.