Mr. Richard Hodges, an elderly man, who holds a situation
in the Bank of England, was fined 5/. at Marylebone Police-office, on Mon- day, for having attempted to flog his servant-girl, about eighteen years old, with a rod, in the obsolete manner of birching children.
A foreigner, named Rudolph Ohrtmann, was convicted at the same office on Tuesday, for smoking in a second-class carriage on the Great Western Railway. The defendant, and several companions, who con- trived to escape, persevered in smoking though remonstrated with by the guard. He was fined forty shillings.
A serious accident occurred on Thursday afternoon on the London and Birmingham Railway. The axle of a waggon in a goods up- train broke, about a mile on this side of Harrow ; and five other waggons were in consequence thrown off the rails. Warning was given, and the usual precautions were taken to prevent collision. Several passenger-trains consequently avoided the danger, and arrived safely in London. Another goods-train drawn by two engines came to the Harrow station about two hours afterwards, whilst an engine was on that line of rails ; untl though the signals were given, the driver of the second engine did not shut off the steam. A collision ensued, by which the second engine and several of the waggons were forced off the rails. The driver of the second engine, whose inattention had caused the accident, was killed; and the fireman of the first engine was found dead under the waggou-wheels ; having, it is supposed, jumped off.
A inquest was held on Saturday, at St. Bartholomew's Hospital, on the body of Alfred Strickbury, aged thirty-four, who committed suicide owing to ill-treatment by a nephew. The deceased, who had been un- fortunate in business, called at his sister's in Lad Lane on Saturday week, to take tea ; when he was taunted by one of his nephews with his poverty, and with coming there to Ilet his meals. Some angry words then passed and the nephew struck his uncle a blow on the face. A scuffle ensued, but the parties were separated. Soon afterwards, the deceased went into a room up-stairs and cut his throat. He was car- ried to the Hospital; where he died on the 7th instant. Verdict, " Temporary Insanity."