A 1,141y named Mr;. Iariti Nelson, apperently verging. upon
sixty, hes been exciting teeensation at Richmond, by laying claim to some propel ty called VAreet 11;111, belonging to the Crown, and proceed- ag to take possession. (iii Friday she drove up to the house in a hand- some carriage, acconipanie,1 by two ;4,11th:inert, mud demanded entrance. 'The Ileum is occupied 11 Mr. A lexemlee 1±tuart Mackenzie, and is ia the charge of servants during his absence! from the emantry. Iler de-. mend w as of course let complied e; Oh. She then gave orders for the removel of a tea in the ft,ardell, and Secured the door-keys. Conetahlee were sent fur, itud Mrs. J':•;elson was ii scum helbre the Alagistrales on. Saturdey ; who coneented to liar liberation on the promise of not repeating such conduct. After her discharge, however, she proceeded to the horse of Mr. Smith, the deputy-eteward of' the nunior, and caused a disturbance, in which the mob Mole part with the claimant. She subsequently :eljourned to an inn. Mvs. Nelson does not confine her clehtis to the property ()I' which she lust week attempted to take poesession. Three years ego she hii(I claim to a house oii Richmond, Hilt which belonetel ithinit a emotivy since to a person named. Nelson, bud St iuiChm lia/1 ;;Lile.;.-iiiient by billet) into the bands of the e'rown. Upon that (ice:olio'', she applied to Lord itlelbournet upon the sulject ; and Mr. Smith eeamined the deeds, but could not trace the elightest title to her. I her claim has now swelled to the whole of the Crown property in Rich- mond. Nor does it stop even there, for chic delivered several printed advertisements for holding courts-baron in different parts of the country: anion.. other properties IlletitiOned. were West q'olls, otherwise West. Ilall,'Nortlilk, 1,angford I Jell, otherwise Langfbrth, and the manor of Buckenhant and parish of lekhorough in the same county. T!Ifee doterluitied housebreakers were apprehended at Liverpool on Friday, and examined before the Magistrates on Saturday. In the house in which they wcre captured there were found large quantities of plate, jewellery, watches, and other articles of value, to the amount, it is said, of 2,000/. There were also found complete and ingenious sets of housebreaking implements : among them were 147 skeleton-keys, and upwards of four hundred other keys. The prisoners made a for- midable resistance to the entrance of the police-officers, two of whom they wounded seriously on the head with hammers. They were re- manded for a fortnight.
On Wednesday evening, the boiler of a locomotive engine at the Bromsgrove station of the Gloucester Railway exploded, and killed two men, besides scalding several others.
The brig Hopewell, of Cork, was totally lost on Wednesday sen- night. iu the Bristol Channel, near the Naas Lights, about ten miles from Newport, by coming into collision with the brig Yauden, belong- ing to Gloucester; and five persons vere drowned. It appears that the Hopewell had on board four seamen, the captain, his son, a youth of tender age, and six passengers. The Yauden was on her voyage to Gloucester, awl was heavily laden. The captain stated that the night was very dark, and the wind was blowing a complete hurricane. On first perceiving the Hopewell, she was running down the Channel before the wind. A good look-out was kept, and every ellen was made to steer clear of the vessels that were hovering about. Notwithstanding. however, the precautions, the vesssIs ceme in collision with dreadful violence, and almost immediately after the Hopewell filled and went down. The Hopewell struck the Yauden full in her bows, but being the strougest-beilt vessel, it sustained not so much damage. The whole of the bows of the Ropey:ell were stove in, and she filled insteloy. The rigging getting entangled with thst of the Yanden, she was kept up for a few minutes, and the crew and passengers, finding that she was sinking, were in the act of jumping on board the Yanden, when a wave separated the vessels, and many of them were thrown overboard. The Hopewell drifted with the current for a short distance, and then disap- peered in deep water. Five individuals eoull be seen struggling in the water; but it was impossible to render them assistance in consequence of the Yanden's boat being washed overboard at the time of the colli- sion. The captain was picked up about two hours after, having lashed himself to a piece of timber.