14 NOVEMBER 1840, Page 9


The Honourable Frederick Ponsonby, second son of Viscount Dun- cannon, has came forward to contest the representation of the County Carlow with the Tory candidate, Colonel Bruen. Mr. Mark Blake, of Ballinathd, has been selected by the Liberal • Club as their candidate for Mayo. The other candidates on that in- terest have consequently resigned ; and the Tory candidate, Mr. Kir- -wan, will have to tight single-banded with the Liberal Clula

The Dublin Evening Mail mentions, in a triumphant tone, a recent decision of the Assistant-Barrister of Louth, which it is said promises to add to the Conservative strength at elections generally in Ireland. A gentleman claimed "to register under a 2u1. rent-charge, granted by his tither, the Vicar of the parish of Ardee, and chargeable upon the glebe-lands and other Church property in that parish, ti,r his life, pro- vided his incumbency thereof so long continued." The claim was op- posed by the Radical agent, on the ground that a clergyman could not legally grant such an estate; but the barrister, who is a Roman Catho- lic, decided that the Vicar, having a freehold in his glebe, was entitled to make such a grant, and that therefore the claim to register was a good one. The Dublin Mail recommends all the clergymen in Ireland to follow this example, by giving similar rent-charges on their glebes to each of their sons.

The collection of the O'Connell tribute for this Year commenced on Sunday. In Dublin it amounted to 1,63n1.; which is about one-fifth more than on the first day's collection last year. Similar satistnetory returns for Mr. O'Connell have been received front most parts of the commtry.

The' Duke of Devonshire, during his reeent sojourn at Lismore ,Castle, paid a visit to the Trappist Monastery. et Mount Melleray. his Grace was exceedingly gyatilied at the nenderful improvements ef- fected by the persevering mike:try of the anal s in the heretofore bar- ren wilds upon which they have been locate W.\ pl...ased to preFent them with Ina as a substantiel mark of his ; exte0.---./Otatin Test.