The Lords Justices ordered an investigation to be hell into
the con- duct of a priest named INPKeena, who it was ulleged, hal used Ian. gunge to the following effect at a fire which reeently occurred in the town of Newtownbutler. He is reported to have said, " Boys, I think this fire is not accidental ; it is intentional : let us make it gener:d. and burn tlie entire town." After it long trial, the Reverend Father M'Kenna gave a written apology for using the expressions ; aol was held to bail, himself in 501. and two sureties in 25/. each, for three years.
On Sunday night last, a man named Mr. M.Veigh, r,!.1.1i:,:z in the parish of Clontibret, connty of Monaghan. a National Sch,,Imaster Irish teacher, was fired at while standing in Ins selaenl•ra en. by some person unknown. 'Ile bullet St rock the desk upon whieh hew 0 at the time leaning, amid pasecil out through the oppesite window. however, doing any injury. We understand that the reason this has drawn upon himself the vengeance of the midniela 1i:el-I.:tors is, that he professes to teach the Irish language in his school mm In liii cyst., in. we understand, Inns been denounced by some of time Romish elergy it the meehbourhoud, for what cause we cannot explain.—.1/,:me1,:e Standard.
On Tuesday sennight there was a very erowded meeting at the old Assembly-room of 'Fralein, to hear in leeture on the evil effects of the Corn-laws, from Mr. Murray, a delegate to ea the Anti-Corn-lan League of Manchester. Mr. Murray had hrVII half an hour spea1 ing. when, at the close of a sentence that elicited the loud appLunse of the audience, the props sustainnor the finer gave way, and the enore eom- pony, with the lecturer, were precipitated to the tiaeged easseae beneath. One man, named Foley, hail his thigh-bone fractured. anti few of the others escaped without beigg more or less injured. Mr. lliirray received some severe bruises,.