A Winter in Corsica. By Two Ladies. (Sampson Low.)—This is
a very good book of its kind ; that is to say, it gives any one who may be thinking of passing the winter in Corsica a great amount of information which it would be very useful to have. The " Two Ladies" seem to have been kindly, good-humoured observers, liking comfort, but not too sensitive to hardship ; not without prejudice against strange ways of thinking, but ready enough to make friends wherever they went. They have the art of giving, without any attempt at sot description, a very lively and graphic picture of Corsican scenery and Corsican life. The island seems, on the whole, a charming winter residence for people who have strong digestions. The living is fairly cheap ; but then, for some time at least, you have to live on pork. Furnished apart- ments which are described as commodious (the number of rooms is not given, but they were largo enough to accommodate a party of several persons), were hired for £10 per month. The climate is nearly perfect. There is, it is true, a cold north-east wind, but that cannot bo escaped anywhere, not even in Upper Egypt, and it seldom lasts for more than two days. And the people seem to bo a pleasant, genial race, whose chief faults are a want of cleanliness and a total ignorance of cookery. Tho "Ladies" will excuse us for saying that it was hardly fair to print their correspondent the Vice-Consul's letters, for the sake, it would seem, of making fun of his bad English. It is true that they had his permission, but, doubtless, ho thought them models of composition.