Mr. Disraeli Was Amusingly Impudent At Guildhall On...
be spoke as if he had no real political hope. He compared the two parties contending in the State to " these two gigantic forms before me" (Gog and Magog), said the dinner......
Mr. Reverdy Johnson Used The Occasion Of The Guildhall Feast
to announce the virtual solution of the quostions at issue between England and the United States. It has since been explained that a joint Commission is to be appointed, two by......
Mr. Reverdy Johnson, Warmed By The Lord Mayor's...
so complimentary to England and to Lord Stanley, and to London and to Britisher institutions generally, that he seems to have been frightened when he read the next (lay a report......
News Of The Week.
T HE last Parliament held under the Reform Bill of 1832 was dissolved on Wednesday, and the writs for a new one issued the same night. Most of the borough nominations take place......
An Affair Called The Baudin Affair Is Exciting Great...
in Paris. Baudin was a Deputy, killed on a barricade on December 3, 1851, resisting the coup de'lat, and the Republicans have opened subscriptions to provide him a monument. The......
The Rev. F. Burges Is Vicar Of A Parish In
which the Duke of Beaufort owns some land, lie is rebuilding his schools, and he asked the Duke for a subscription. Three applications remained unanswered, but to the fourth the......
The Times Publishes A Gratifying Account Of The...
Venetia since her liberation. Her trade has increased from £6,480,000 to £9,160,000, her tonnage from 263,775 tons to 334,764, while associations are being formed to organize......
The Daily News Has " Reason To Believe " That
the Bishop of Ely, Dr. Harold Browne, is to be the new Archbishop of Can- terbury, but no other paper seems to know anything about the matter. It would be—not the best, but we......