The Students In Several Colleges In Cambridge Have Struck...
the cooks. They say their dinners are bad and dear, and that the cause of both defects is the custom of considering the cook a permanent College officer, irremovable by those he......
The Demand For Home Securities Has Been Firm On The
whole, although at one time some heavy sales of money stock threatened to weaken the market. Yesterday, Consols closed at 94} to 94f for money and account. Reduced and New Three......
The Lancet, Discussing Mr. Lewes's Paper On Tobacco Pub-...
in the Cornhill, and our comments thereon, gives it as its opinion that tobacco poison cannot create a permanent suscep- tibility to the action of the drug. Every smoker is......
According To The Latest Accounts Which Have Reached Us, The
Conservatives are exulting over their chances in the London boroughs with very little reason. It is not only possible, but quite probable, that the Metropolis will be as......
A Correspondent Of Tuesday's Times, Who Signs Himself...
dates from Lincoln's Inn, seems much incensed at the Spectator for attempting to solve the question of Mr. Gladstone's secret as to the disposal of the tithe rent-charge. He......
Yesterday And On Friday Week The Leading British Railway...
left off at the annexed quotations :— Nov. G. Nov. 13. Nov. 0 Nov. 18. Great Eastern 431 441 Lon., Chatham, & Dover 16f 171 Great Northern 104 10:4 Metropolitan 1064 Great......
Little Has Been Received From Spain This Week Except...
It is reported that Espartero, a childless man, is to be declared King, under the amazing name. of Baldomero I. ; that all Catalonia and Andalusia will declare for a Republic ;......
Yesterday And On Friday Week The Loading Foreign Bonds Left
off at the annexed quotations :— Nov. G. Nov. 13. Nov. C. Nov. 13. Brazilian, 1865. 781 771 Russian (Anglo-Dutch) 90f 901 Egyptian, 1864 82 81f Spanish, 1867 331 341 Italian,......
That Eminent Liberal " W. R. G." Returns In The
Pall Mall to his apology for the Irish Establishment,—an apology which natu- rally becomes weaker and weaker as it becomes less and less hypo- thetical, and more and more......
The Lord Chief Justice Decided On Monday, In The Queen's
Bench, against the claims of women to be admitted as voters under the new Act of Parliament, on the very obvious principle that it was entirely contrary to the intention of the......