As was expected, the concessions made to Hungary have set
many Austrian ambitions on fire. The Czechs of Bohemia, in particular, have merged all party differences in favour of a programme in which they demand the federalisation of the Empire, the use of their language in all Czech regiments, that all military trials be oral and public, that all education be arranged with a view to the cultivation of Czech national spirit, and that, in short, the Czechs be placed on all questions on an equality with Germans. These demands are to be secured by the " sharpest " Parliamentary methods, including, we greatly fear, obstruction ; and will probably be supported by all Members who represent Slav constituencies. They point to a change of the Dual Monarchy into a Federal Monarchy of the German pattern, and to the extinction of the German ascendency within the Hapsburg dominions. Such a Monarchy might be strong, but would be terribly hampered by the race hatreds it would include. The authors of the programme pro-
fess, however, all loyalty to the dynasty, and even insert an odd clause protesting against any project of including Bohemia. "either politically or commercially," within the German Empire That protest is intended, no doubt, as a side-hit at their German fellow-subjects, but will make the ageing Emperor reflect sadly on the troubles which may follow his own decease. It is not a lot to be envied, that of Francis Joseph, though he is still regarded by the courtesy of Europe as the first secular Monarch in the world.