Mr. John Burns As Preraphaelite.
!TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") STR,—Most of your readers are aware of the high intellectual qualities of the Member for Battersea; but it is possible that 'some of them are......
The Vitality Of Seeds.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "spsorszottn Sut,—Having just read the interesting article on " The Vitality of Seeds" in the Spectator of October 24th, I venture to send you the......
Seville As A Winter Resort.
[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR. "] SzE, — Will you allow me to call attention in your columns to the palliative effects of the climate of Seville in cases of rheumatism, and......
"to Boss " ==" To Miss."
[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR:] Sin,—In the short notice of "An Armchair Adventurer" (Spectator, November 7th) your reviewer writes : "But is there any English-speaking land......
The Booksellers And " The Times' Encyclop.edla.."
[TO THE EDITOR OE THE "SPECTATOR. "] Srn,—In an advertisement of " The Times Encyclopedia" that appeared on October 1st it is stated that after December 19th, 1903, the work......
"open-air Treatment" For Animals.
[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATDR."] SIR, — My experience, now extending back some twenty years, of horse breeding in Ireland entirely bears out what you my (Spectator, October......