Are We Teutons P
(To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR. " ) • • SIR,—As you observe in the Spectator of November 7th, the late Professor Freeman was wont to be annoyed by the question, "Are we......
Corn And The Fiscal Duties.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTILTOR:f SIR, —In the Spectator of November 7th, p. 751, you quote . Mr. Morley as asking his audience: " Have you ever thought what would have been......
Retaliation—is It Feasible ?
pro THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR. "] Sia,—Can we not bring this question to a simpler test than the figures Mr. Sydney Buxton has so carefully gathered ? Let us rather take a......
Reform Of Postal Rates.
(To THE EDITOR OF THE .. SFECTATOR.1 SIR,—A correspondent in the Spectator of November 7th advocated a farthing post for newspapers. As this class of matter already entails a......
[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SrECrATOR."j SIR,—Being old enough to remember the Cobden agitation, I trust you will permit me to remind Lord Rosebery and his supporters at Leicester......