[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] SzE,—Will you allow me to call attention in your columns to the palliative effects of the climate of Seville in cases of rheumatism, and especially rheumatoid arthritis ? Chance led me here after six years of increasing suffering from that painful disease ; and to my surprise I found myself practically cured by six months' residence. Inquiry proves that rheumatoid arthritis is actually unknown in Seville. Dr. Charles Karminski, in six years' practice among English. Americans, French, Germans, and of course Spaniards, states that he has never met with a case. Muscular rheumatism is found among the working classes, whose conditions of life invite the disease, but it is of a very mild type, yielding to treatment immediately. Thanks to the prolonged heat and dryness of the eight-months summer, when the shade tempera- ture frequently rises to 115 and 120 Fahr., Seville throughout the year rejoices in an unusually rapid evaporation of moisture; wind and rain are rare, and frost is not seen more than once in twenty years. Living is, of course, far cheaper here than at any fashionable health resort; but accommodation suitable for delicate persons is very scarce, and must be secured well in advance. The water is pure, and exercises a beneficial effect on certain gastric troubles. I shall be glad to give any advice or information desired by persons in search of a cheap and sunny place for winter residence.—I am, Sir, &c., Alfonso XII. No. 27, Seville, Spain. A RESIDENT.