14 NOVEMBER 1903, Page 2

Lord Rosebery concluded with an eloquent appeal to the Free-trade

Unionists to unite with other Free-traders in fighting the great fight. " When the battle is over and the victory for Free-trade is won, why then they can march along with drums beating and flags flying, if they like, and attack their recent allies without loss of honour or reputation." They must remember that they were opposed by a great master of political strategy, who in his "pilgrimage of passion" was rallying all the discontented classes to his standard. He appealed also to his own party to let no dissensions impair, their union on this matter. " Yon have all the forces that can animate a people nerving you in the struggle. Your fathers are bidding you remember their sufferings under Protection; your sons adjure you to protect the future of your commerce and your dominion." This is exactly the line that we wish to see taken. The question at issue is so vital that Unionists must, without in any sense departing from their other political traditions, join hands with all who believe in the liberty of trade to defeat those who would enslave it. It is time enough when the victory is won to talk- about other matters.