The Life of Dr. John Barwick, Arranged and Edited by
G. F.
Barwick, is the sixth volume of the " Stuart Series," appearing under the general editorship of Mr. Edward Almack (F. E. Robinson and Co., 12s. 6d. net). Dr. Barwick was a strong partisan, who thought little better of the moderates among his own party than of his downright opponents. Bishop Skinner of Oxford, for instance, whose exercise of episcopal functions was winked at by the Commonwealth Government, was no favourite. He was an active agent for the exiled King, and at the Restora- tion was made Dean of Durham, and within a short time Dean of St. Paul's. He died at a comparatively early age, his death having been probably hastened by the hardship which he under- went, and possibly by the physicians. In this Life, which was written by a brother, an eminent physician, we read that after a violent hemorrhage "which filled whole basins," the "most eminent physicians all agreed that that immoderate ebullition of blood was to be assuaged by frequent Wading"! Verily the medical art of our forefathers was a very amazing thing ! The volume is presented as usual in an admirable reproduction of an old binding.