Nothing further of an authentic kind has been sent over
as to the new Egyptian Army, the Correspondents, in their eagerness for news, elevating the most contradictory rumours to the dignity of facts. It is, for instance, positively 'affirmed that Baker 'Pasha is still undecided ; that he has proposed to make the Army Malay ; that he has suggested an Army of " Indian Mussnlmans," who would be mainly Pathans and 13eloochees ; that he intends to confine commissions "to Turks and ()isms- slang," who would be mere agents of the Sultan ; and that he is engaging Swiss by thousands. This last report is so far con- firmed by the Geneva correspondent of the Times, who under- stands his business, and sends facts, instead of gossip, that some hundreds of Swiss have quitted Switzerland for Egypt, and that the Federal Council, under the statutory power which enabled it to break up King Bomba's mercenary army, has ordered an inquiry into the emigration. We hope it will prohibit it. The entire notion of giving up the effort to esta- blish discipline in an Egyptian Army, and holding down the people of the Delta by imported mercenaries, not responsible, as English soldiers or Marines would be, to a European Govern-
ment, is radically bad.