Dr. R. D. Lyons, Member For Dublin, Publishes Through The
Tinics a notable suggestion for introducing Grand Committees, without altering the existing forms of the House. His idea is 'that as upon many subjects only experts attend the......
Lord Northbrook Then Passed On To Answer Sir Stafford...
Sir Stafford had declared the Afghan and Egyptian wars exact parallels ; but he forgot that in Af- ghanistan Lord Beaconsfield opposed Mohammedans, pur- sued a policy exactly......
It Is Hardly Possible To Believe That The Tories. Really
intend to attack the Government upon the ground that they ought not to have gone to war in Egypt, but it looks very like it. Mi. Clarke, at Darlington on Monday, made a speech......
The Withdrawal Of American Aid From The Land League Shows
what was always suspected,—that the American-Irish were the , real instigators of violent action. They were not, in fact, de- sirous of any Land Act at all, except as a means to......
The Italian Premier Made A Most Significant Speech To His
constituents on Sunday. He is appealing for support, be it remembered, to an entirely new electorate, and the single ground of his appeal for confidence is the material progress......
We Note With Satisfaction That Both Mr. Chamberlain,...
an interviewer at Moscow, and Mr. Court- ney, addressing a Liberal club at Plymouth on Wednes- day, expressed a strong feeling against the dominance of the financial " Rings "......
The Committee Appointed By Government To Consider The'...
the Channel Tunnel have presented their report. They are almost all scientific soldiers of mark, the president being Major-General Sir A. Alison, and their verdict is, on the......
The Editor Of The Irish, World Has Announced Publicly That
he will forward no more subscriptions for the Irish Land. League, the Parnellites having virtually abandoned their old: programme of '" the land for 'the people." He adds, that......