The Editor of the Irish, World has announced publicly that
he will forward no more subscriptions for the Irish Land. League, the Parnellites having virtually abandoned their old: programme of '" the land for 'the people." He adds, that elf Parliamentary action must be futile. This decision must be a serious blow to the Parnellites, who owe at least three-fourths of all the funds they have received to the subscriptions of the Irish-Americans represented by the Irish World. It has not,, however, daunted Mr. Parnell, who has telegraphed to the Chair- man of the Land League of the United States that he shall advise the Conference on the 17th "to adopt a prudent, though firm policy, strictly maintaining our original programme,— abolition of rack-rents, pending the attainment of peasant pro- prietary. I am confident that this policy will secure the minimum of' oppressive coercion and the maximum of progress for our people, and that it will meet the approval of Irishmen at home and abroad. Ireland looks for continued support." If the "attainment of peasant proprietary" means its attain ment by purchase, Mr. Parnell will find his programme too tame for his Ameridan friends.