The Withdrawal Of American Aid From The Land League Shows
what was always suspected,—that the American-Irish were the , real instigators of violent action. They were not, in fact, de- sirous of any Land Act at all, except as a means to......
The Son Of " General" Booth, Of The Salvation Army,
who is called Chief of the Staff, and is to succeed his father as auto- crat of the new sect, was married on Thursday, with rather too much beating of cymbals. .The Standard,......
All French Accounts Agree In Stating That The Republican...
intends to pursue a policy of aggression in Mada- gascar. The claim of France to the territory occupied by the Sakalaves is to be supported by force, and the dominant race, the......
We Omitted To Note Last Week That The Curators Of
Edinburgh University, on the 3rd inst., filled up the Greek Chair, vacant by the resignation of Professor Blackie. The Chair is the best of Edinburgh appointments, yielding,......
The Efforts To Arrange A General Strike Of Coal-miners In
order - to secure a rise of fifteen per cent. in wages still continuo, and it is believed in the North that they will be successful. The masters declare that coal-mining even......
The Geneva Correspondent Of The Times Reports A Most Sin-
gular religious movement at Basle, upon which he might have expended a few more words. The Evangelical Protestants there, who are important, both from their position among......
The Sultan, For The Third Time In His Reign, Has
removed the Grand Shereef of Mecca, the second personage in Islam, and appointed a successor. This time, he has chosen a young man of about thirty-two, named Aou.n Refik, of......
The Government Of Spain Did Not Intend, It Appears, To
close all negotiations with Groat Britain for a commercial treaty, by their recent sharp note. The Spanish Foreign Secretary wrote on August 12th to say that he had meant no......