Examples in Physics. By S. E. Jones, B.Sc. (Macmillan.)— This
is a large assortment of questions of the less usual and common- place nature, which the student will find valuable, for the simple reason that his attention is rarely if ever directed to them.
Boons RECEIVED.—The Royal Navy and Our British Soldiers. In Dean's " RCyal Series of Children's Coloured Picture-Books." Rhode's Steamship Guide and Holidays Afloat, 1889-90. (G. Philip and Son.)—The Seventy-Ninth Report of the Swedenborg Society, British and Foreign. (J. Speirs.)— University College, Dundee, Calendar, 1889-90. (J. Leng and Co.)—The Railway and Commercial Gazetteer of England, Scotland, and Wales, 1889. (McCorquodale and Co.)—University College of North Wales Calendar, 1889-90. (J. E. Cornish.)—The History of Infant Baptism. Vol. II. By W. Wall. An addition to the "Ancient and Modern Library of Theological Literature." (Griffith, Farran, and Co.)