Ede. 3 Vols. (remington And Co.)—the Anonymous Author Of...
novel is evidently an inexperienced writer, and the scheme of the story is somewhat absurd. The heroine is tile only child of a wealthy banker, who, being absorbed in himself......
This Is An Excellent Account, Not Savouring Too Much Of
an advertisement, of a health-resort situated in the Highlands of Scotland, nearly twenty miles north-westward by rail from Inverness, sheltered by Ben Wyvvis, a mountain......
Under The Patnvyras, By Mrs. Jerome Mercier (s.p.c.k.), Is A
simple story of missionary enterprise in Southern India under- taken by two native converts to Christianity, Marial and her 'devoted husband, Yovarn. They have to fight cholera......
Blood - Money, And Other Stories. By Charles Gibbon. 2...
and Windus.)—It is not necessary to say much of this collection of short stories. As Mr. Andrew Lang and others have pointed out, few English writers have cared to regard the......
John Bright, The Man Of The People. By Jesse Page.
(S. W. Part- ridge.)—This is a perhaps somewhat effusive, yet on the whole admirable and successful attempt to do justice to the life and work of John Bright. It is altogether......
Examples In Physics. By S. E. Jones, B.sc. (macmillan.)—...
is a large assortment of questions of the less usual and common- place nature, which the student will find valuable, for the simple reason that his attention is rarely if ever......