Captain W. De W. Abney, President Of The Section Devoted
to physical science on Thursday, delivered an address on "The Action of Light," containing some remarks of popular interest. It is quite possible, he says, to produce a......
The Annual Meeting Of The British Association Was Opened On
Wednesday at Newcastle with an address from Professor Flower, which is not so interesting as such addresses usually are. It is devoted mainly to the management of museums, and......
Antwerp Has Been Greatly Injured By An Explosion. With...
carelessness, M. Corvilain, who had a contract for altering Belgian cartridges, was allowed to erect his works within the city, and close to huge depots of petroleum con........
Professor Butcher, In A Letter To The Times Of Tuesday,
gives a very striking calendar of the crimes by which the Plan of Campaign was enforced on the Kenmare estate, from its establishment in November, 1888, till its collapse at the......
In The Course Of The Next Week Or Two No
less than five bye- elections will be fought—an accident which attracts a consider- able amount of attention, owing to the fact that the vacant seats are scattered over a very......
Bank Rate, 4 Per Cent.
New Consols (24) were on Friday 97-1 to 91.......
The Victorian Budget, Which Was Introduced Into The House By
the Premier and Treasurer, Mr. Gullies, on July 30, shows that the Colony is prospering to an extraordinary degree. Though the population is very little over a million, the......
Mr. W. Jones, Late Secretary Of The English Peace Society,
has been honoured with an interview at Tien-thin with Li Hung Chang, the most powerful Viceroy in China, the result of which is not a little instructive as well as amusing. The......