."'INTO trustworthy news has been received as to the decision of the Sultan in the matter of Armenia ; but it is reported that his Majesty has resolved to yield, and to accept the recommendations of the Powers. It is, however, also reported that he would prefer to lose his European provinces, and that the Armenians are being harried as outrageously as ever. The Sultan must decide quickly, for Macedonia is obviously on the verge of insurrection. It seems to be proved that armed men from Bulgaria, believed to be Macedonians, entered and destroyed the Mussulman village of Dospat, massacring all the people they found there, in- cluding women and children. The motive for an atrocious outrage like that must have been to provoke the Mussulman soldiery to reprisals so cruel that neither Bulgaria nor Greece would bear them, and so produce a crisis. Europe, which hardly endures Turkish cruelties in Armenia, would not bear them in Europe ; and the rule of the Ottomans on this side of the Sea of Marmora, would be brought to a speedy end. It is a little difficult to conceive on what the Sultan relies in his resistance ; but he may be afraid, if he gives way openly, of Mussulman disaffection.